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September 5, 2024

Confronting the Silent Crisis: Gender-Based Violence Against Women Athletes in Kenya

Kenya’s elite female athletes have tragically become symbols of a deeper crisis within the nation’s sports system. The recent murders of these athletes, including Agnes Tirop, […]
March 15, 2024

The Effect of Media Coverage on the Jowie Case: A Review of the High-Profile Murder Trial in Kenya

The case of Jowie, also known as Joseph Irungu, has captivated Kenyan headlines with its shocking details and high-profile status. The murder of the businesswoman, Monica […]
January 11, 2024

Life Imprisonment in Kenya: Clarifying the Duration

The recent COA judgment regarding the duration of life imprisonment in Kenya has shed light on a previously murky subject in the criminal justice system. While the ruling brings more clarity and a sense of hope for inmates, it also raises important questions about the ethical implications and public opinion surrounding this issue. As Kenya moves forward, it is imperative to engage all stakeholders into meaningful dialogue and conversations, where both the rights of convicts and the safety of the society, must be considered and balanced.
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